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Mar 28, 2023
In CES Events
Soothing and positive color palettes give us much-needed escapism and optimism, while darker, dystopian colors stand out strongly in the current political and economic landscape. The color trends of the year are associated with light and shadow, offering us the opportunity to express ourselves at the far ends of the spectrum. So whether you're in the optimist or pessimist (or dare we say realist) camp, this year's color trends will have you covered. Here are the top color trends for the year. Colors Acid hues Silver chrome Rave colors Millennial kitsch Warm Mediterranean Dark sci-fi tones Desaturated earthy tones Color of the Year : . 'x' Color Palette - Designers look back to the calm and cool 'x' color palette for inspiration from the B2B Email List browns, avocado greens, mustard yellows and golds of the crop, which in turn find themselves in the spotlight. Think foggy California sunsets, Paul Thomas Anderson's liquorice pizza and cabinets. color trends : packaging design in 's colors by Kamilla Oblakova color trends : logo design in colors 's Po Pixel In addition to creating a sense of blissful nostalgia for simpler times, its earthy hues help us to ground ourselves, creating a feeling of comfort, familiarity and accessibility - several things we all need in these uncertain times. color trends : color range -x in a geometric pattern] Author . color trends : color scheme -x on the packaging of soda water through the sound of the drink. The 's aesthetic reflects our desire for calm, cool colors and a simpler time.


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